5 Benefits Of Taking Regular Steam Showers

We’ve all heard about the benefits of steam. It relaxes your body, clears your airways, loosens tight muscles, and boosts circulation. Professional installation of a steam shower in your home bathroom is easy and, once installed, you can access the benefits of steam any time you like. Steam showers are a simple way to bring a spa experience to your home and additionally offer these 5 benefits.

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1. Health Benefits

The many health benefits of steam mean that a steam shower can do wonders for your family’s health. Steam helps to clear and decongest the airways, refresh and rehydrate skin, aid muscle relaxation and recovery, and boost circulation. With easy, professional installation, you can fully benefit from the steam generated from your shower.

2. Peace and Relaxation

Not only do steam showers offer physical benefits, but they can also help you make time for relaxation and a moment of peace every day. We get so little opportunity to take time out of our busy schedules. But a steam shower allows you to have a moment of spa-like relaxation every day. Double-sized steam showers make the perfect romantic addition to the main ensuite as well!

5-Benefits-Of-Taking-Regular-Steam-Showers13. Soak Without a Tub

Many homeowners would love to have both a tub for soaking and a shower for washing, but space in most bathrooms doesn’t allow for this luxury. A steam shower gives you the effect of a tub soak every day by allowing you to bathe in warm steam to relax and destress.

4. Easy Shower Conversion

While other bathroom additions may require extensive upgrades, modifications, and renovations, a steam shower can be simple to install even with your existing shower space. The remodel requires having a glass screen custom fitted and installed that matches your needs and achieves the steam shower effect you want!

5. Conserve Water

How often have you left the shower running just to spend more time under the warm water? A steam shower helps to trap warm steam so you don’t need to have the water running continuously to stay relaxed and cozy. Taking regular steam showers can help you feel cleansed, relaxed, and warmed more efficiently than the showers you would normally take. This means you end up using less water with the same or better relaxation.

With all these benefits and more, a steam shower makes the ideal addition to any bathroom. Contact Pleasanton Glass Co. today to talk about custom shower screens to convert your current shower for spa-like luxury at home.


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